
Klyuch dlya antipampers prof v32 0
Klyuch dlya antipampers prof v32 0

klyuch dlya antipampers prof v32 0

I am not sure whether Secondary Directions is correct with the 'Apparent Solar Time'-setting.

klyuch dlya antipampers prof v32 0

Save As Text (PDs) should be used in english (this is not a bug but a minor inconvenience).Ayanamsa: Exact Transits are not precession corrected.Ayanamsa: in Comparison charts only one ayanamsa is used (e.g.Displaying the Lots and FixedStars on Windows in chart is not as good as on Linux.It seems that these algorithms(zodiacal:Plantiko, mundane:Makransky) are planet-order-sensitive. The zodiacal midpoints-with-latitude and the mundane midpoints are different. (end of Jen's fix) About PDsThe PDs was tested with the modern version. There were not so many lines which had to be changed and the little work it needed was totally worth it! Starting Morinus from Terminal), it always pointed out the exact position of the line within the.py files that had to be changed. Other than that I had to change within all chart and table files, fromstring and tostring to frombytes and tobytes. But in order to get Morinus use python-wxgtk2.8, I had to open the morinus.py file with a text editor and I followed the advice from this page: Above the line 'import wx' I added the following two lines: import wxversion lect('2.8') This will ensure that one can still change colors and orbs. Klyuch dlya antipampers prof v32 01444654 pc. They fixed it by using Pillow instead of PIL: Jens' fix: Since newer linux versions don't use python-wxgtk2.8 anymore, I had to download it and three more dependency packages from the official Ubuntu Site: The good thing is, the modules can co-exist without creating any system-related problems. A few users had problems with the ttf (true type font - Morinus.ttf): There was an error message when they executed the source (Couldn't find Morinus.ttf). There are only individual colors (not acc.Clicking on a planet will show its aspects and orbs (clicking on an empty area of the chart removes them).Orbs belong to the planets and not the aspects.The differences between this and the modern version:

Klyuch dlya antipampers prof v32 0